
Julie is currently undertaking a PhD titled ‘Forecasting Horse Welfare Expectations: Insights from within’ at the University of Melbourne. In previous roles, Julie has organised the 2013 Australian Large Animal Rescue Conference and presented at the British Animal Rescue and Trauma Care Assoc. (BARTA) Conferences in Europe and USA. Julie is the secretary of the non-profit organisation Animal Emergency Incident Management Network ANZ.
Animal Welfare Information Sheet for Horse Incident Response Teams.
When horses are involved in emergency incidents, their welfare is compromised. Rescue environments are also highly challenging for people because a horse that does not feel safe in their surroundings may become reactive and cause injury to persons whose intent is to assist. The non-profit organisation Animal Emergency Incident Management Network ANZ identified a gap in the information available for responders regarding animal welfare in situations where human safety is also a priority. Subsequently, the organisation developed an information sheet for responders to help the equine patient’s welfare. These suggested actions also assist in improving the horse’s sense of safety which, in turn, provides a safer working environment for people before, during and after the rescue. In developing the resource, the organisation obtained first-hand insights from experienced responders in the AEIM network and reviewed animal welfare frameworks and the AFAC Large Animal Rescue Operations Guidance (2022) [1]. The information sheet provides responders with simple actions to follow. It is also a helpful communication tool for responders when discussing aspects of animal patient care with a veterinarian, who may also be present at the scene. 1. Anonymous. Large Animal Rescue Operations Guideline. Available online: