
Burkan Kubilay Kaptan was born in 1970 in Trabzon. Kaptan completed his primary and secondary education in Vize, a district of Istanbul and Kırklareli, and his high school education in Istanbul and Toronto. Kaptan won the Civil Engineering Department of Istanbul Technical University in 1989 and graduated as a Civil Engineer in 1993. In the same year, Kaptan was accepted to Boğaziçi University Civil Engineering Department and graduated in 1995 as a Civil Engineer. Kaptan, who started his doctoral education at Boğaziçi University, received the title of PhD in 2004 after his education at Princeton University, West Virginia University and Boğaziçi University. Included in its installation; In addition to Tancon İnşaat, Nadir Yapı, D&C Design and Kaptan Proje companies, on behalf of STFA Co. in Pakistan and the United Arab Emirates; He served on behalf of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) in Switzerland, India, Eritrea and Afghanistan, and on behalf of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) in Iraq, Syria and Switzerland. Kaptan, who has taught at different universities throughout his academic career, continues his academic studies at the University of Minho, Portugal. The first book of Kaptan, who is married and has a child, is Scientists, by Cinius Publishing in 2016; His second book, Reflections, was published by Çalı Adam Publishing in 2017 and his last book, Baby Doll, was published in 2021. Kaptan's novel about the German Empire of 1922 and 1923 is in the process of being published.
Effect of February 2023 Earthquakes on Livestock in Turkey
Many large-scale disasters in the past decade have brought attention to the health of livestock in disasters, while many more local, smaller-scale incidents have gone by without much attention. On February 6, a magnitude 7.8 earthquake struck southern Turkey near Syria's northern border. This tremor was followed by a magnitude 7.5 earthquake approximately 95 kilometers to the southwest nine hours later. The first earthquake was the worst to hit Turkey in more than 20 years. It was as strong as the strongest one ever recorded there, which happened in 1939. It was in the south-central part of Turkey, near Gaziantep. So far, 48448 people have died, 3,3 million people have been forced to leave their homes, and almost 2 million people are living in tent camps and container villages. Natural parks, wetlands, forests, wildlife development zones, and major river basins provide homes for indigenous plant and animal species and livestock in the provinces also imposed by the earthquake. The size of protected areas in the region is 419,801 hectares, and 4.35% of ecologically significant areas of our nation fall within the boundaries of the region. This study investigates the impact of February 2023 earthquakes on the livestock in the earthquake region in Turkey.