
Anna Ludvik is the founder of Lucys Project Ltd, an organisation which focuses on the intersections of domestic violence and animal abuse. Lucy's Project has been looking at the need for animal protection during concurrent crises (DV and natural disasters for example) since 2019 when Anna witnessed the additional challenges put on animal and DV services during drought and feed shortages. Anna was awarded Lismore Citizen of the Year in 2019 and has spoken at conferences and events across the country raising awareness of the plight of animals and the people who love them through crises, since 2013. She has a particular interest in regional, rural and remote issues and the needs of traditionally farmed animals, alongside pet/companion animals.
Case Studies- Stories from the frontline of animals caught in Lismore's flood and the people who risked their lives to save them.
The twin floods that devastated Lismore in 2022 had a heartbreaking impact on animals. Despite being an area prepared for floods, Lismore was taken by surprise by the heights and speed of the rising water. The community was by and large left to fend for themselves and as people worked shoulder to shoulder, it was evident that people were not willing to leave their animals behind and many risked their lives to protect dogs, cats, horses, cows, native animals and more. This presentation is a montage of stories from the frontline- civilians and services- that need to be heard. Stories that demonstrate that animal protection in crisis is a national priority for which we are underprepared. It will honour the lives of those lost and speak to the ongoing trauma and recovery process of those untrained civilians who risked their lives to save animals.