
Halil S. Biricik
Halil (born 12 march 1967), Prof. of Veterinary surgery, is currently working in the faculty of Veterinary medicine, Afyon Kocatepe University – Türkiye.
He participated training courses on large animal issues such as bovine and equine diseases in several faculties of Türkiye. He developed novel method about nonsurgical treatment of abomasal displacement in cattle.
He has experience on first aid to animals under disasters and gives clinical practice lectures. He involved several national and international projects in terms of implementing and participated International Conferences on Animal rescue &Allied Veterinary Sciences (taking part in scientific committee and speaker).
He participated the EU project titled as “Capacity Building for Decreasing Animal Losses from Flood in Sanliurfa” as assistant researcher in 2009. He organized first “International Animal Rescue Conference” in Türkiye which was held in Şanlıurfa city together with Şanlıurfa Fire Departments. He also organized international workshop about cattle welfare, with participation of foreign researchers.
Safer Animal Rescue in Turkey
Use of modern animal rescue techniques have been started in Türkiye under the scope of Mitigating Flood Risk in flooded areas in the Southeastern Anatolia Region, the project titled as “Capacity Building for Decreasing Animal Losses from Flood in Sanliurfa” carried out by Sanliurfa Disaster and Emergency Management Directorate and Southeastern Anatolia Region Culture, Research and Development Association at 2009. In the Project scope; Veterinarians, emergency personnel and geographers educated young people to establish volunteer animal rescue teams. International Animal Rescue Conference and Events have been carried out in Sanliurfa city, jointly with Royal Veterinary college and Hampshire Municipality fire department. Jim Green of Hampshire Fire and Rescue Service as a firefighter and Prof. Dr. Josh Slater, Veterinary Clinical Sciences at the University of Melbourne, internationally recognised keynote speakers presented seminars about emergency animal rescue. Rescue equipments from UK have been purchased and awarded to Sanliurfa fire department. Nowadays, the department intervenes incidents succesfully using these equipments