
GADMC 2023 Award Winners Announced

The GADMC Conference Committee is honoured to announce the 2023 GADMC Award Winners.


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GADMC2023 Success!

We did it! Over 2,300 delegates registered for GADMC2023. Over 40 presenters in 4 days, from all around the world.


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Call for Abstracts: Now Open

We are pleased to announce we are now accepting abstracts for GADMC 2023.

Please visit the submission page for further details.

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GADMC wins international award

The GADMC Conference Committee is pleased to announce that it is to be the recipient of the 2021 International Association of Emergency Manager’s Partners in Preparedness Award.

This prestigious award acknowledges the Global Animal Disaster Management Conference, hosted by Animal Evac New Zealand for its contribution to emergency management through its partnership with expert speakers to create the largest conference of its kind, with over 1500 online delegates registered. The event was free to attend and present thanks to a wide range of sponsors including World Animal Protection, and 45 presentations were delivered and recorded over 10 days. The conference also partnered with the Australian Journal of Emergency Management to see many of the presenters publish their presentations and research in this highly regarded open-access journal. The recorded video presentations are also to be launched at the GADMC Awards Ceremony on 31 July 2021.

The Conference Committee would like to that all its sponsors, and the IAEM and its Judges who conferred the award. The official presentation of the IAEM Award will take place at the IAEM 2021 Annual Conference, October 15-22, 2021, in Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA and GADMC plan to have a local representative receive the award on the Committee’s behalf.

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GADMC Awards Ceremony details

We welcome you to join us at the inaugural GADMC Awards Ceremony which is being held online via Zoom on Saturday 31 July at 10am (AEST/Brisbane/Melbourne).


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Awards Ceremony: Save the date

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Even once the conference has started you can register and join GADMC. All you need to do is register and an automated email will provide you Zoom Webinar access details. GADMC is free and now capped at 3,000 delegates.

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Win a Reach & Rescue pole!

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Donate $10 to help GADMC

Every little bit helps us put on this ground breaking global event. You can now directly support GADMC by making a donation online.

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Professor Leslie Irvine to open GADMC

We are pleased to announce that pioneering animal disaster management researcher Professor Leslie Irvine is our opening speaker at GADMC.

Leslie Irvine is Professor of Sociology and Director of the Animals and Society Certificate Program at the University of Colorado Boulder. Her research during Hurricane Katrina formed the basis for her book, Filling the Ark: Animal Welfare in Disasters. Her other books include My Dog Always Eats First, which examines homeless people’s relationships with their companion animals, and If You Tame Me, which provides evidence for a sense of self among animals. Leslie has also studied animal sheltering, animal abuse, animals in popular culture, and the feminization of veterinary medicine.

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