
Registrations are now closed for GADMC 2021. We recommend that you follow our facebook to get updates for GADMC 2023.

We hope to run the 2nd GADMC in 2023. Follow our facebook page for updates.

You can check out all our award and prize winners here.

You can find all the presentation videos by clicking the respective speaker here.

The AJEM special edition is also available online free, available here

We recommend that attendees get their own conference ticket so we can forecast attendance. We also hope to offer transcripts of attendance, and if the ticket (login) is being used by multiple users associated with a single ticket, we will be unable to offer this to such cases.

We have extended calls for abstracts until 21 December 2020.

Please check out our submissions page for further information if you are interested to present at GADMC.

No, we welcome practitioner focused presentations as well. For these, you also have the option to provide an opinion piece for the Australian Journal of Emergency Management which is reviewed, but not subject to the blind peer review process common to academic articles.

We are planning to provide an optional (NZD$25) conference transcript to registered attendees, providing they are not sharing their login with others so we can generate a report using Zoom to verify such attendance. This product will be announced by the end of the conference.

Surplus funds raised for GADMC are held by Animal Evac New Zealand in a separate bank account, and will be used to promote animal-inclusive resilience communities.

Funds were not sufficient in 2021 to build the GLADIS database, but there were sufficient funds to cover the cost of migrating the WAP PrepVet course to Animal Evac New Zealand’s e-learning platform. Those who attended the GADMC 2021 Awards Ceremony all received a free enrolment to this course.